Monday 16 March 2009


Shutt VR No 1 cycling jerseys are long sleeved and perfect for A spring morning. As proved this Sunday when I rode out to the Addingham 10.
It really was a tremendous start in the the pretty Village of Addingham. Sun shining, locals going for bread viewing strange helmeted Aliens on strange machines. Lovely quiet back lane start , flat for 100m to build speed, small rise then dropping down along tree lined avenue with the lush green of the rolling dales in front. The flatish road built up speed which allowed a false sense of security. Coming off the first rise of the day after a mile or so is a lovely sweeping bend down to the river which gave time to get the first bit breath back. Let the fixed wheel do the job it was intended for! Pleasantness over now, the roundabout turned one into the wind. Getting as low as possible trying to turn the 84" round in a steady but fluid motion whilst powering up a grind soon sapped the bit of energy gained back on the swoop. The sun was forgotten. It could have been snowing for all I knew, all I wanted to do was get on top of the gear, steady the breathing and prepare for the severe drags dips and long dragging climbs of the next 3 miles. "Steady on, stay calm, take deep lungfuls and eventually get on top as required. Right now Im ready for the next bit..."
It wasnt too be, the front started to feel sluggish but not flat. I decided to stop to use the small but super pump in the rear pump pocket to top it up. Thus allowing a breather for 30 secs. Back on and away with renewed vigour, the first real hill of the day was presenting no problems at all. Out of the saddle and things were cool. Until the rim started to bounce along the tarmac. Darn it. Stop, event over. Fix it then brisk back enjoying the sun warming legs exposed to the fresh air for the first time this year. Back in the HQ the local ladies had done a great job providing tea and sarnies. There was a wonderful `niceness` in the air as friendships were renewed after the long winter.
Elsie looked like he does at 2.30 in the morning after a few Pinot Noirs, but 10% more coherant. He was slightly suprised at the very decent ride he did and a good day was had by all. Well, not all! Lesson learnt is dont use last years inner tubes at high pressure without a few days testing first.Still a pretty start to the season anyway!

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